Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday Gratitude

I know today is Easter, not Thanksgiving, but I am full of gratitude this Easter Sunday for all of the amazing blessings my Heavenly Father has given me. I am grateful for a wonderful husband and for our two beautiful children. I am grateful that my husband has a good job that he enjoys and that I am able to stay home and care for my children full-time. I am grateful for all the ways I have seen God's hand guiding our lives and our decisions for the future recently. And I am incredibly grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ and for the power it gives me to repent and to become a better person each and every day. I know that with the help of the Savior I am able to accomplish more than I ever could on my own, and I'm so grateful for the love, comfort, strength and courage He gives me. I testify that He lives and that His selfless sacrifice puts salvation and eternal joy and peace within the grasp of every single one of God's children that chooses to follow Him and apply His atonement in their lives. I thank my Heavenly Father this day for the beautiful gift of His Son that makes miracles possible for all of us. Happy Easter!

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